I am a big fan of Wordreference for major European languages, especially French, Spanish, and Italian, since I generally find what I'm looking for there, either within their dictionary, or from the forum questions that come up in dictionary searches.

#Portuguese monolingual dictionary online free#
(In the comments, I got suggestions for other great multilingual dictionaries: The Free Dictionary, which is a monolingual dictionary in multiple languages! Just click the flags on the left, and Linguee for a bilingual dictionary that gives you the words in context rather than just translations or definitions, and is good for several languages). Some of these can actually be good dictionaries for specific languages, and as good as, or better than many dedicated specific language dictionaries. Wordreference, Bab.la, Google Translate for wide-ranges of languages covered for general terms and Proz term search, the Interactive Terminology for Europe and Mymemory for technical vocabulary. When discussing the top free resources for language learning, I wanted to give tools that weren't language specific, and as such I included the following multilingual dictionaries first: It's the 21st century, so lets embrace all the free online dictionaries available to us! Throw away your dusty old dead tree dictionaries! They are either too bulky (and expensive) to use conveniently, and not updated regularly enough, or they are too small to cover all the words you might need.
#Portuguese monolingual dictionary online full#
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